
Thursday 27 June 2013

What should you test first when a new functionality change occurs

In my experience of testing an application when build released, as a team first we must read the release notes properly which was provided by the development team. Then prioritizing the our testing levels

1.Sanity Testing(Initial) : Go thru each and every links in the application and ensure that there will be no blockers and finally certify that build is ready for further testing

2.Adhoc Testing for a while: Testing the application with random scenarios for one or two hours

"After all we are most likely  to find bugs on new features which were released with the build, then why doing this Sanity and a sample adhoc?"

"Of-course I do accept that our first priority would be testing the new functionality. But before moving to that tester has to certify that build was properly deployed which is the initial phase before actual testing starts isn't it?  After successful completion of sanity we will proceed according to the release notes and all..."

3.Executing Test Scenarios(High Level) : After a while of adhoc testing, tester must execute all the high priority scenarios according to the release notes which i mean to say is positive way of testing. Surely tester can filter the high priority bugs in this stage itself

4.Executing Test Scenarios(Low Level) : Executing the application in depth including the medium and low priority scenarios also adding with negative scenarios.

5.Re-Testing : Retesting of the Fixed bugs and
After few iterations of the same process, in the final iteration, the big task ends with...

6.Regression Testing: Ensuring new changes would not effect to the existing functionality.

As recently started my journey in testing, I experienced these type process when build was released to testing team.


A Journey towards testing...:)

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